
Friday, November 13, 2009


I couldn't believe it had been so long since I posted.  Lots and lots has happened since then . . .

GrandpaTutu is a year older, Riann is a year older, I had an upper respiratory infection and was sooooo sick, I was let go at TI again, and I went to Virginia to visit the folks, sheepies, and goaties at Juniper Moon Fiber Farm. 

1.  I was sick for GrandpaTutu's birthday--just coming down with the URI.  :O(

2.  I was gone for Riann's birthday--in Virginia.  :O(

3.  Was afraid I was going to miss the trip to Virginia because I was sooooooo sick.  :O(

4.  TI let me go by telephone--while I was home sick.  Nice (not).  :O(

5.  I went to Virginia to JMFF and had SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH FUN!!!  It was perfect!!  Erin went with and she came back a knitter (she how could resist no more!!)  It made me soooo happy.  :O)

6.  Also got to spend half a day in Washinton, D.C., and that was excellent!  :O)

So, I'm reading Twelfth Night today because I have a big assignment due by midnight tonight.  But I'll catch up and post pictures soon.


Vietnam War Memorial (c) 2009