Yikes, it's been a long time since I've posted anything. Oops.
Ok . . . I think the shawl I'm blocking for Gracia is dry. Some her binding off came out when I washed it, so I'm going to re-bind off and weave in the ends. Then it's done. It must have acrylic in the yarn, though, because the portion that I finished sprung back to a lot narrower. It still looks really good--you can so see the pattern, and it's so pretty. I think she'll love it.
I finished my Esther Bible study and really miss it. I think I'll do an online Beth Moore study--they inspire me so much!!
Went to dr. this morning to check cholestoral and blood pressure. Both are improved from last time. I'll go in again in July to recheck them.
I think I might go ahead and buy a share of Jacob's Reward. It's right up the road and I think I'd enjoy participating personally in the "making of the fiber." I love MVFF, but I don't feel very engaged, although the lambcam has been a lot of fun, and the comradarie of the thread has been fun too. We'll see . . .
Ok. Got to get going now. I'm committed to making a nice dinner, doing at least one load of laundry today, and cleaning the carpet in the den.